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Zambezi | Creative Brief | Strategy   


The Ask:

In 2025 we need to still play the awareness game and get people to know who UKG is and what they do 



Digging deeper into this audience, company leaders across enterprise and SMB are both desiring to achieve more.  

Our primary target are executive level decision makers (ELDM) at companies with 1000+ employees: C-suite, President, Treasurer, Finance, General Manager, HR Director, etc. This is an audience that has the opportunity to elevate their workplace and current UKG customers across company categories. 


Small and medium business owners were a focus this year as well. 

Strategic Approach:

Show how UKG’s technology helps ELDMs take their workplace and their business from good to great. 

The Challenge:

Reach 50% aided awareness by 2025.


While UKG has continued to gain awareness in the category people still aren't aware enough when it comes to who UKG is and what UKG does. 

Making progress matters, as other brands and competitors are gaining traction. 

My Role: 

  • Researched trends, audience. and competitive landscape surrounding the workplace in 2024

  • Helped put together creative thought starters and jumping off points

  • Helped to craft the strategic approach and opportunity for the campaign

The Opportunity:

Better capture the attention of ELDM’s by showing HOW we empower them to improve culture and business results. 


Over the past couple of years, our great workplace spotlight has been on the full company, but not ELDM’s. They are wanting to create great workplaces but don’t know how. 

The Insight:

Leaders want to create trust-based cultures for stronger businesses, but need the right technology partner to get them there. 

We needed to break through, especially when it comes to awareness, showing people not just why we exist but how we create great workplaces

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Making progress matters, as other brands are gaining traction

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Other B2B brands are hyper-focused on providing a utility for their audience

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Zapier is focused on showing how leaders are adopting automation to transform their company. 

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Hubspot is showcasing how managers and leaders can grow and expand their business through their tools. 

Workday is focused on making  managers  feel like rockstars in the workplace through their technology. 

Better capture the attention of ELDM’s by showing HOW we empower them to improve culture and business results 

Over the past couple of years, our great workplace spotlight has been on the full company, but not ELDM’s

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Digging deeper into this audience, company leaders across enterprise and SMB are both desiring to achieve more

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They are wanting to create great workplaces but don’t know how. 

53% of executives believe they have influence in the workplace, down 16% from last year 

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Leaders want to create trust-based cultures for stronger businesses,
but need the right technology partner to get them there

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UKG's technology and innovations are the magic tools that help company leaders elevate their workplace and their impact

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Single-minded strategic proposition 

Show how UKG’s technology helps ELDMs take their workplace and
their businessfrom good to great. 

Strategy overview

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Media Placements

Strategy Team: 

Account Team: 

Creative and Production Team: 

Alyssa Tigue: Group Account Director

Faye Armstrong: Senior Producer

Rachel Lynn: Account Supervisor

Kara Pierce: Director of Integrated Production

Cat Marsh: Strategist

Lauren Northcott: Senior Project Manager

Matt Sherman: Group Creative Director

Laura Lapham: Associate Creative Director

Julie Soluri: Associate Creative Director

Matt Babazadeh: Head of Strategy

Gavin Lester: Associate Creative Director

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